Members of each Board and Commission are appointed by the Town Commissioners according to criteria listed on each Board’s page. Board members serve as volunteers, without compensation (unless the Commissioners resolve otherwise). The meetings of all boards are open to the public (unless conditions of Maryland Code, Article, ยง 10-508(a), are met).
Duties, responsibilities and requirements for board members are set forth in Chapter 98 of the Town Code, which can be accessed HERE.
Chapter 98-1 spells out General Conditions that apply to all Boards. The General Conditions of each of the Boards are listed as they appear in the Town Code. Following the language from the Town Code, we have listed information pertinent to the Board, meeting dates and times as well as an idea of the time commitment involved in the position and some topics the Board has been working on, or may be taking up in the near future. The Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Historic District Commission, Ethics Commission, and the Tourism Board have all adopted Rules of Procedure which will also be made available to any applicant. The Housing Commission, appointed by the Commissioners meets at the direction of the Housing Commission Executive Director. Interested applicants can be given a copy of Chapter 98-1, as well as the Chapter for the Board relevant to their interest, and a copy of any Rules of Procedure that have been adopted.
All meetings are held at the Town Office, the Edgar M. Bosley Building at 300 Mill Street, unless notice is given of an alternative venue. Meeting dates and times and agendas are posted on the HOMEPAGE under “View News & Meetings”. Current board members, information, and meeting minutes for each of the boards are posted on their individual webpages:
Board of Appeals
Ethics Commission
Historic District Commission
Housing Authority
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Planning Commission
Waterways Management Advisory Board